Bator Tracking 2024

In the last couple of years I’ve kept track of my bating statistics. Partly out of curiosity and partly out of motivation to bate more and bate better. As the Proud Bators project and community have grown, there have been others who have done the same and joined in tracking. For 2024 I’m stepping it up. If you’d like to sign up to be a part of the group tracking your bates in 2024 there are a number of ways you can get involved. Sign up to the group using the form below and I’ll be in touch to explain …

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What Is Edging?

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash Edging is a pretty common term in the bator community. Actually, there are plenty of people outside the bator community who have heard of the term or might use it. We’ve talked about in on plenty of episodes of the podcast but in this article I’ll take a bit of a deeper dive into it. What it is, the reasons people do it and the benefits of it. I’ll also throw in a couple of tips towards the end.  What Is Edging? For those that don’t know, in this context edging means going to …

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Masturbation Documentary Review: “Sticky: A (Self) Love Story – 2016”

One of the first of its kind, “Sticky: A (Self) Love Story” is a full-length documentary discussing the touchy subject of masturbation, earning positive reviews for its stance on sex education. Addressing truths, myths, and societal taboos of everyone’s favorite bedtime routine, “Sticky” asks the growing question “Why aren’t we talking about this?”

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My Toys 1 – The Fleshlight

I was probably in my mid-20s before I got my first one. Shocking I know! But for so long I loved my hand. It was quick and easy and really really portable. But then one day, as a treat, my partner came home and surprised me with a Fleshlight Ice.

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