Hardware Hottie – gay cruising erotica

Two men standing in a hardware store aisle

A listener to the podcast sent in this true story of his gay cruising experience. I love hearing from listeners and if you’ve got a story to share you can comment below or shoot me an email. NB: I added the bit about the hot staff. Every time I go to Bunnings (Aussie version of Home Depot or B&Q) I have to admire whoever in HR came up with their hiring policy. Oof! As I drive down the highway my phone pings at me. “AC Filters” appears on the screen. “Shit,” I mutter to myself and check the time. Realising …

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Pretty Boy Spotted – gay cruising erotica

There used to be a guy at my gym who could only be described as ‘pretty’. My buddy and I didn’t know his name so just called him Pretty Boy. I saw him in the supermarket one day and I wondered if he recognised me, and what might have happened if he did. This gay cruising story is that fantasy.

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