First Class Ticket – gay erotic fiction

Two attractive men in a shower stall, the water running down their muscular bodies

This gay erotic fiction story idea came to me as I sat waiting for my delayed flight recently. Unfortunately I wasn’t as lucky as this character. I’d love to hear about your airport stories if you’ve got them, comment below.

First class. For the first time ever. I don’t quite know how it happened though to be honest. I was sitting in the airport food court. My flight was delayed by a couple of hours. I had gotten on Grindr. Not so much to hook up, but it’s a good way to kill some time and either build up my confidence or really give my self esteem a whack. Either way it’s better than spending a stupid amount of money on booze while I wait, which, now that I think about it, could have had either of the same effects on me as the app.

Anyway, I was sitting there, mindlessly scrolling through all of the profiles who somehow think they’re going to be able to find someone willing to find the one public toilet that isn’t busy and fuck in it, when a guy messaged me out of the blue.

Flight delay too? He started with.

Rather direct but I guess that’s fine in this context. I checked his profile. A scruffy looking but not unattractive mid-30s guy with a nice smile. I scanned the immediate area to see if he was nearby. He wasn’t.

How’d you guess? I replied.

This app is a great way to kill time. That message was accompanied by a couple of winking emojis.

That’s true. I sent. I’m on the 456 to Paris. If it ever leaves.

Same. A quick reply. Wanna see if we can get an upgrade?

I already asked someone. No chance on a delayed flight.

He said that he knew a guy and if we went up with the sob story of honeymooners who are distraught at being delayed then our chances are good.

Is this just your tactic to see if I’ll meet up with you? I asked.

Maybe. But don’t you want to see what First Class is like?

I thought for a moment and then I saw him, sitting a few tables away. He smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders in a ‘why not?’ kind of suggestion.

His smile was nice and he was right. I did want to know what First Class was like.

What’s the worst that could happen? I thought to myself as I stood up and walked over to his table.

“So you know a guy huh?” I sat opposite him. “Let me guess. A flight attendant?”

“Pilot actually. I just found out my cousin is the co-pilot for this flight. He said he can’t give it to me just like that, but he heard the captain tell the head of the cabin crew that-” he opened his phone and read from the screen, “- ’because of the delay to the city of love, anyone with a lovey sob story should get the last two seats in First.’”

“No way.”

He showed me the text message on his phone and that was enough to convince me.

“I’ve got the sob story ready if you want to play along as my sad husband.”

I agreed and he offered me his hand. I took it and we made our way to the gate. I did my best to tread the line between disappointed and distraught. I didn’t want to overplay this thing.

“My name’s Sal by the way.” He said quietly as we approached the counter.

I laughed. “Good idea. I’m Paul.”

“Follow my lead.” His final words as we stepped up to the attendant who was tapping at her keyboard.

What came next was an outstanding acting display, worthy of an Oscar, or at least a Daytime Emmy. I had to stop myself from smiling and acting impressed. I had to retain the role of the shattered husband.

“And we don’t even have our wedding rings yet and we just wanted to get to Paris and relax.” Sal said with a sigh as his rant concluded.

The attendant punched a few keys on the keyboard and held a thoughtful look on her face.

“Well, you’re in luck. Seeing as this is the city of love and it’s your honeymoon, we have two seats in First Class that we can upgrade you to including passes to our First Class lounge while you wait.”

I smiled slightly and nodded. I was worried about saying too much, unless my surprise might come through in my voice. I couldn’t believe that it had actually worked.

We collected our new tickets and our passes to the First Class lounge and walked away from the desk. It was my turn to take Sal’s hand, I couldn’t help but play the part, impressed as I was at his connections, and his gaul in lying so blatantly. I found myself wondering for a moment if it was some kind of big dick energy that had been on display just now.

“So shall we grab a drink?” Sal smiled and waved the lounge pass.

“It would be rude not to.”

I let Sal lead me to the lounge. Perhaps it wasn’t his first time here. His cousin was a pilot after all.

I walked into the lounge and felt instantly underdressed. I guess when you fly with the comforts of First Class you don’t need to wear your daggiest comfy track pants and your loose fitting t-shirt. The slip on shoes were also something I was regretting as we walked over to the bar and ordered a drink each.

Sal subtly pushed my hand down as I reached for my wallet.

“First Class babe,” he said and I realised I was a little out of my depth.

We moved from the bar and found a pair of comfortable chairs on the other side of the lounge.

“Well, I guess this is the best airport Grindr meet up I’ve had,” I laughed, the drink quickly helping to relax me.

“Oh really? What if this is only the start?” Sal looked at me over the top of his glass, smiling.

His smile was friendly, and although he wasn’t my usual type in a few ways, he ticked enough boxes that I could see myself having some fun with this guy. He had also managed to score me first class tickets and a free lounge pass.

“What did you have in mind? I’m meeting up with friends in Paris.”

“Oh we’ve got plenty of time until Paris.” Sal waved at the barman and another round of drinks quickly appeared. This guy really knew how to play the bougie part.

“How long til the flight now?” I said after a couple of drinks and some delicious finger food.

“Still 2 hours until boarding.” Sal said. “How you feeling?”

“Very relaxed. Thanks so much for including me. I’m really grateful.”

“Don’t be. I’m just using you because I needed a fake partner.” Sal winked.

“Well, it’s not the worst thing I’ve been used for.”

“And it’s not the best thing to use you for I’m sure.”

The conversation continued and that comment was only the start of the flirting. I found myself relaxing with each drink that Sal somehow conjured. The time passed quickly and I enjoyed our chat. It had been a while since I had engaged in some proper flirty back and forth. Too many of my conversations with potential partners were orange and blue bubbles interspersed with seedy pictures.

I shifted my chair a little closer to Sal, feeling the connection with him building. I was already thinking about my itinerary in Paris and how I could fit in a possible invitation to Sal’s hotel room.

Attention passengers for flight 456 to Paris. Boarding will begin in 60 minutes. Please finalise your use of the facilities and begin to head to boarding gate 30.

“That’s us, I guess,” Sal said, finishing his drink. “Time for a shower then we’ll wander down.”

“Shower?” I asked, blurting out another indication that I had no idea what this lounge experience was all about.

“Yeah. They have bathrooms here with showers, so you can freshen up if you’ve got a layover or have to rush to a business meeting or something. Here, I’ll show you.”

Sal stood and quietly spoke to an attendant nearby. The attendant picked up our hand luggage and walked us towards a couple of doors on the opposite side of the room to the bar. He opened the door and placed each of our bags on the long, wooden bench along the wall. The attendant gave a typical customer service nod and removed himself from the room.

I looked around. Along the wall to my right was a wooden bench, with five alcoved areas featuring a small shelf, a hook and a railing like in a wardrobe. Opposite this were five frosted glass doors. I guessed that those were the showers. Along the third wall were the urinals and wooden doors that were clearly the toilet stalls.

One shower was running and I could see a suit hanging on the rail in the alcove furthest from the door. I looked across and saw the steam coming over the frosted glass door furthest from where Sal and I were standing.

“So Paul…” Sal moved a little closer to me and spoke quietly. “One stall or two?”

I quickly met Sal’s eyes and realised he was being serious. There was someone else in the shower at this point. If they came out and saw two sets of clothes but only one shower running they would definitely know that we were sharing a stall. But my dick twitched as Sal winked at me and I realised that this was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“He won’t care.” Sal nodded towards the other shower stall, as if reading my thoughts.

As I glanced at the door again, I heard a faint grunt echo off the walls.

“See, he’s busy anyway.” Sal winked again, his smile broadened and his hand rubbed my hip.

I quickly removed my shirt, grabbing the hanger from the locker and making sure it stayed neat. I might be horny but I still knew I needed to be as presentable as that t-shirt could make me afterwards. By the time I turned back to Sal he was nude, his smooth ass facing me as he folded his clothes. I realised I didn’t know if he was a top or a bottom, but that ass was certainly making me hopeful. Sal bent over to slide his shoes under the bench. He didn’t make any effort to stop his cheeks from spreading and revealing his smooth pink hole. My dick twitched in my pants and I couldn’t help but reach out and run a finger between the smooth cheeks.

“I see you’ve made your decision.” Sal stood up, grabbed the towel from the hook in his locker and walked over to the shower stall directly across from us.

I quickly shucked my pants and underwear, grabbing the towel to hide my erection – just in case – and walked in behind him. The stall was small and as soon as the door was closed our bodies were pressed together. There was no hiding my arousal as my cock pressed into Sal’s thigh.

“I should at least turn the water on eh?” he said, turning his body to reach the taps. The movement caused my cock to slip from his bare thigh to slide neatly between his cheeks. Whether intentional or not, I appreciated the new position and neither of us moved as the warm water suddenly cascaded down our bodies.

I ran my hands down Sal’s side before squeezing and cupping a cheek in each hand. He pushed back against me and my cock pressed more firmly against his hole. My earlier question was answered without a word and Sal sighed softly as I began to rock my hips back and forth. I watched my hard, thick shaft rub against him as he braced himself against the wall. We weren’t going to be wasting anytime in here.

As I watched myself thrust against him, Sal’s hand appeared from beneath him, gripping a small, clear bottle full of clear fluid.

“Are you always so well prepared?” I asked, taking the bottle and opening it.

Sal turned to look over his shoulder and smiled. “I used to be a boy scout.”

I squeezed some of the lubricant over my cock, using my hand to rub it in. Sal reached back and slid his fingers alongisde my cock, lubing them up before he started to slide two into his hole. I watched as his entrance readily accepted the intrusion, my dick twitching at the sight.

“You ready?” Sal asked softly.

“If you are.”

“Since I saw you in the food court.” Sal removed his fingers, leaving his hole open and ready for me.

I shifted forward, guiding my swollen, slick head towards him. His hole twitched just as I pressed against it, but as I moved further forward, Sal released a deep breath and accepted my penetration easily. My cock slid deep, with little resistance and Sal and I both moaned in unison as the sensations overtook us. My dick twitched as I bottomed out inside him and I held that position for a moment.

Sal shifted again, moving forward slightly before sliding slowly back onto my cock. “Breed me, Paul.”

“Already?” I sighed, the pleasure of his hole moving quickly through my body already.

“We can save the foreplay for the plane.”

Sal’s hole squeezed around my shaft and I responded by thrusting deep inside of him.

“Yes!” Sal grunted in a hoarse whisper.

I continued my hard thrusts, sliding the full length of my cock in and out of Sal’s hole as he held himself against the wall with both hands. He spread his legs further, opening his cheeks and allowing me full penetration. The tiled walls of the cramped stall caused every sound to echo around us. The splashing of the water against our bodies. Our panting breaths. The faint slap of skin on skin.

As I increased the pace of my thrusting though the sounds increased in volume. I didn’t doubt that if the other patron was still in the room that he would know what was happening. At this point though I didn’t care. Sal’s hole was just what I needed right now and I was eager to fill it. I pushed deep inside him, feeling every inch of his opening as he gripped me tight again.

I watched as my hips slammed against his smooth ass and my cock opened his hole with each thrust. I felt the familiar tingle working it’s way through my balls and knew that I was close. Sal sensed my closeness and looked back at me, a look of pure ecstacy on his face.

“You want it?” I asked, my eyes locking with his.

“Give it to me.”

With a few more quick thrusts I brought myself to the edge of my climax. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning too loud as I slammed my cock deep and let loose. A groan escaped my lips anyway as my cock throbbed inside of Sal. He worked his entrance to milk each shot from me as my orgasm sent waves of pleasure through my body. My dick pulsed and my body shook as I unloaded.

I pushed in deep as my cock twitched, holding my position and feeling the stretch of Sal’s hole around me. I panted and rested my head on his back. Sal reached behind me and ran a hand down my side and a shudder rippled across me.

As the last of my cum dribbled from my cock I slowly removed myself and leant back against the cold tiles. He held himself against the wall for a moment longer as we both recovered from the intensity of our quick, hard fuck.

Eventually, he stood. “Thanks,” he said, kissing me firmly on the lips for the first time.

I realised then that we really had skipped all of the foreplay. “Thank you. Definitley the best Grindr airport meet up now.”

I stepped forward and rinsed my body. Sal did the same.

Now boarding, flight 456 to Paris. Please make your way to the departure gate.

“Shit. We better get going,” Sal said.

I nodded at his still-hard cock. “But…”

“First class has more perks than just the lounge Paul. Wait til you see the seats.” Sal winked and shut off the water. In a matter of minutes we were dried and dressed and I was following Sal. This man who was a stranger only two hours ago now had my load inside him and was my flying partner for a trip halfway across the world.

We walked up to the boarding gate and were ushered straight through. Our hand luggage was taken from us, we were handed a glass of champagne and shown to our seats. Actually, seats wasn’t the right word. We were shown to a pod with two large recliners inside which, the stewardess informed us, reclined to be completely flat. As we sat down, she demonstrated the curtain that slid across the opening of the pod and left us to settle down.

Sal’s hand rested against my thigh and I turned to see the same grin he had flashed in the change rooms. I looked down to see Sal’s cock straining at his trousers. My dick twitched slightly, but the recent explosive orgasm meant that it wasn’t quite as responsive as I thought Sal might like it to be.

“I’ll let you rest babe.” Sal said as he slid his hand up my thigh. “At least until the seatbelt sign turns off.”

Thanks for reading this gay erotic fiction story.

If you liked this one check out Bathroom Bareback.

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