An Unexpected Tutoring Experience – gay college erotica

This story was inspired by a hot roleplay chat I had online. I hope you like the gay college erotica stories.

My upcoming novella series is based around a university campus. Let me know if you’d like to hear some more of Steven’s story…

Thanks for the feedback from listeners about wanting longer stories. I hope you enjoy this one. If you’ve got any feedback, get in touch. I’m always happy to hear from listeners.

Walking around the cafeteria area I struggled to find an empty table. At my last university campus each food outlet was separate. Almost like a row of restaurants, with tables and chairs in each shop. The big city campus I was at now was different. This was basically a food court. Everyone in one big food hall, with outlets and then a bunch of big tables. Even for those in residence, this was the only option. Not great for the new guy, with social anxiety.

I scanned the room again and found no seats that provided any safe distance from another person. The best bet was a stool at the end of the long high table that ran through the middle of the space. I recognised the girl sitting opposite. She was in one of my history tutorials. We had spoken briefly, on some forced partner work. She was nice. And pretty. Maybe I could try and make conversation.

I walked over, trying to stride with confidence. As I got nearer to the table she looked up at me and smiled.

“Is this seat taken?” I asked.

“No. All yours.” Her smile remained as she flicked her long blonde hair away from her face.


I pulled the stool out, placed my tray of food on the table and sat down.

“You’re Steven right? History 4?”

“Yeah. That’s me.” I took a sip of my drink as I realised that I had done the dumb guy thing of remembering how good her tits looked in the jumper she was wearing in class rather than remembering her name.

“I’m Alice.”

“Sorry.” I looked down at my tray of food.

“It’s OK. You’re new right? Must have met a lot of people. A lot of names to remember.”

“Yeah. Started this semester.” So much for making conversation. My mind was completely blank. I took a bite from my burger.

“I hope you’re enjoying the place. It can get pretty busy. Did you know about the mid-winter bonfire Friday night?” Alice continued. I could feel her looking at me so I forced myself to meet her eyes.

“Uh. No I didn’t know. I think I have to study anyway.”

“Oh that’s a shame. Thought you might be hitting the gym.” Alice broke eye contact this time as her eyes darted to my arms.

“No, just I’ve got a big economics essay.” I shrugged and adjusted the sleeves on my t-shirt.

“Fair enough. Well, if you change your mind, it should be a fun night.” Alice flashed another smile as she picked up her empty tray and stood from her stool. “Good to see you Steven.”

“You too.” I gulped down my burger. “Alice.”

Alice turned and smiled again before walking away.

I shoved another mouthful of burger in my mouth and it hit me. Alice had actually invited me to that party. Idiot. No girl mentioned a party to a guy if they didn’t want the guy to go right? And girls didn’t talk about guys going to the gym did they? I adjusted the sleeves on my t-shirt again. I had started going to the gym since there was one conveniently in my dorm building. But I didn’t realise anyone would notice the progress I had made. Least of all a girl.

But that girl now thinks I would rather write an economics essay than hang out with her. Shit. I won’t be shaking the nerd persona anytime soon if I kept fumbling the flirting like that.

I ate the rest of my lunch in silence, staring down at my tray, ignoring any and all people around me. I scoffed it down quickly, eager to remove myself from the overly populated food hall.

I checked the time as I left. It was one o’clock and I didn’t have class until three. I knew my roommate would be back in the dorm room and our ‘agreement’ had him scheduled for the room without me for this time. It was a spoken agreement about private time with an unspoken understanding about what that private time would be used for. The thought of him jerking off right now popped into my head. But I didn’t want to dwell on it. And I certainly didn’t want to interrupt it. So I started to walk towards the library. I could knock out a big chunk of that essay and maybe force myself to make an appearance at Friday night’s party. It might also take my mind off the image of my roommate’s dick that was suddenly in my head and the thoughts of Alice’s long blonde hair in my fingers as we made out in front of the raging bonfire. Focus could be difficult today.

As I took the last few steps towards the first set of library doors I thought again about how obvious Alice’s invitation would have been to anyone but me. This was not the way I wanted my big campus university experience to be. I nodded to myself, then looked around to see if anyone had noticed the outward display of my inward resolution. From here on out I would just talk to people and see what happened. I would go along with the conversations that came to me. It couldn’t be any worse than what I’d just said to Alice could it? But the new, flirty Steven could wait until Friday. With the resolution confirmed, this was study time now. I started to mull over the essay topic in my head, trying to force my train of thought back onto the tracks.

I walked through the library doors though and the wheels slipped off completely. At the study table in front of me was Moss, head down in his laptop with a textbook open beside him. Moss was the captain of the basketball team and sat in front of me in my economics class. He was definitely better looking from the front than from the back. His arms bulged the sleeves of his team t-shirt. His messy blonde hair fell around his face. But his usually bright blue eyes were hidden in a scowl and his chiselled jaw was tensed as he stared at his laptop screen. He was clearly struggling with something. I had peeked over his shoulder at his laptop screen a few times during class and judging by what I had seen him attempting to take notes on, I figured what he was concerned over right now was the same essay I had come here to work on.

I knew the essay topic well and was already confident in what I would be writing about. I was also sure that in this instance, Moss could use my help. I just had to actually take a step and talk to him. This was probably my best chance, he wasn’t surrounded by his sporty friends and there wasn’t a girl fawning over him at this moment. The barriers to our conversation were only the ones created in my mind.

I took a deep breath, mustered the resolve that had existed on my way to the library and stepped up to the table.

“Worried about that econ essay too eh?” I said, forcing false confidence through my voice.

His eyes darted up from the screen and met mine. They relaxed slightly. “Bro. I have no idea. But you would, right? Aren’t you like one of the tutors for this subject?”

“No, uh,” the fact that he didn’t know me sapped the little confidence I had built up, “I’m Steven, I sit behind you.”

“Oh, shit bro. I am so sorry. This class does my head in and I try to focus so much that I barely know what’s going on around me.”

“It’s OK. I’m a bit like that in History. Economics not your strong suit eh?” Moss was still talking to me and seemed genuinely sorry. I didn’t feel the need to escape. I could probably keep up this conversation for a change.

“Not at all. And I’m trying so hard not to just be the dumb jock.” He ran a hand through his thick blonde hair and my eyes unconsciously followed his fingers. “Actually, bro, this might be a bit much to ask but you wouldn’t be like, be able to help me or anything would you?”

“Like tutor you?”

“Yeah. Well, I mean I couldn’t pay you but I honestly can’t afford to fail this class.”

“Well I was coming here to work on that actual essay so I suppose I could help you out.”

“Oh man that would be amazing. How can I repay you though? Need like a gym buddy or something?”

As tempting as the idea of spending some time watching Moss lifting heavy things was, I figured my chances with Alice were better. “Well, this is gonna sound weird but like… Nah never mind. I’ll help you.”

“Bro. No way. I’m not taking charity. What do you need?” The look on Moss’s face was genuine. I hadn’t spoken a word to him before and I guessed I probably held a prejudiced idea of the unapproachable, too cool to talk to me type jock. But that’s not who sat in front of me.

“Well, you’re always surrounded by chicks. How about some tips?”

Moss stood up, more quickly than I expected. His basketball shorts moved and my eyes were drawn to the cause of the movement. He was clearly not wearing anything underneath and I had to stop my eyes from following the pendulous swing of what was beneath the fabric.

In another quick move he was standing beside me, speaking quietly. “You need some pussy bro?” A grin spread across his face.

I shrugged and nodded. He had brought it up, so no use denying it.

“Bro. That I can definitely help you with.” Before I could say anything more, his books and his laptop had been shoved into his bag and I was following him out of the library.

I caught up to him as we stepped onto the lawn.

“Are we talking about breaking a drought or taking the V?” Moss stopped and turned to me.

I had to stop myself from looking down at the outline of his dick in his shorts. “Uh. The V?”

“First time bro? V for virg-“

“Oh. Nah.” I looked around to see if anyone else was within earshot. “I mean it has been a while, but it was more that there’s this girl and she invited me to a party Friday.”

“Gotcha. There’s always one specifically. But like this is college bro. Don’t restrict yourself. And besides, if you need a drought broken, better to get it done before you spend time with someone you actually like right?”

Moss started walking again. I took a couple of quick steps to catch up to his long strides. Before I could add my thoughts he continued talking. “I know just the one. She’s into nerdy guys. Turned me down recently actually. She’ll like you I reckon.”

“Right now?” I tried not to obviously bristle at the ‘nerdy’ descriptor.

“Why not? You got a class?”

“Not til 3.”

“So we’ll still have,” Moss checked his watch, “an hour 45 to study afterwards.” He nudged me and laughed. “Some ass for an A. We got this.”

“An A you think?”

“Alright that might be a bit much. Let’s say a BJ for a B?” Moss pulled out his phone and started texting.

I shook my head as I tried to work out what was actually happening. I had intended to study and now Moss knew I hadn’t had sex in a while, seemed to be walking me to a hookup and was joking about how long I’d last.

Moss stopped as we reached the entrance to the female dorm building. Shit. This looked like it was actually happening. now My dick twitched in my pants. I stood next to Moss, trying not to look up at him too much. He was almost a foot taller than me. But I also tried not to look down. His shorts had started to cling to his dick, I could tell already that he was circumcised. Maybe it was a little bigger than before.

“Moss. I uh,” I took a breath and pushed myself back to my false confidence. “I don’t think I’m up for it just now.”

“Oh sorry bro. Should’ve asked. You already rubbed one out today?” Moss asked.

“Well yeah but-“

Moss’s phone pinged. “She’s not in anyway. Damn. I was hoping to use you to sneak my way in as well.”

Moss turned and walked back across the lawn. This time towards the male dorm. His last statement slowly processed in my mind. Had I been just a couple of flights of stairs away from a threesome with Moss?

“Bro. You’re a bit quiet. Everything OK?” Moss scanned his access card and opened the dorm door. Again I found myself following without realising.

“It’s just I’ve not really done, or talked about, or admitted-“

“Oh shit bro! Sorry. In the locker room this talk is normal. We all know what, and who, each other is doing. Maybe for you nerdy dudes it’s a bit different eh?” Moss took the stairs ahead of us easily, striding up two at a time. I jogged up behind him, using the opportunity to watch his ass muscles flex as he moved.

“Well I wouldn’t say I’m a nerd. But yeah, it’s not a regular topic of conversation.” I forced myself to relax a little. Moss had, for some reason, accepted me enough to include me in this open conversation. He was, without words, inviting me up to his dorm room. I was OK.

“When did you last get laid bro?” Moss opened the door to his room and ushered me in.

The first thing I noticed was the smell, not that it was bad, but it was definitely the room of an athlete. There was the musk of sweat mixed with what I assumed was the smell of sex. Judging by the pair of panties that were on the edge of the mattress, Moss’s most recent conquest was very recent.

“Uh. It’s been a couple months.” I admitted after scanning the room. The chair at his desk had a towel slung over the back of it and a pair of shorts underneath it. The desk had a bottle of lotion beside the keyboard. This guy had no shame.

“So that means like six months right bro?” Moss sat on the edge of the bed. I didn’t know where I could safely sit.

I laughed and blushed a little.

“You just gotta get some confidence in you bro. You’re not an ugly dude. You clearly been hitting the gym. I bet you got plenty to offer a chick right?”

“I guess so. But chicks want a body like yours and a…” I trailed off, unable to complete that sentence. Unfortunately, my eyes gave away my intention as they travelled to Moss’s shorts. With the way he was sitting, his thick piece dragged down the fabric between his legs.

“Bro, they’re not always after the big ones, trust me. What you packing anyway?”

The shock at the blunt question must’ve shown on my face.

“Oh shit. That’s super personal bro, I’m sorry. Jock speak again. I know all my bud’s sizes.”

“It’s about 6 inches.” I tried to sound confident in my declaration and open like Moss. If that’s what it took to get the girls.

“Bro that’s a good size. Plenty to enjoy.”

I shrugged, “It goes OK. What about you?”

“Like 8.5 bro.”


“I know. A bit much eh? I probably shouldn’t freeball either right?” Moss looked into my eyes and smiled.

“Yeah. It’s kinda-“

“I know you noticed bro.”

“It’s hard not to.”

Moss shifted forward slightly on the bed. His dick didn’t hang any further down. It had started to point more towards me.

“You know why I freeball?”

I shrugged, my eyes darted between his eyes and his growing cock. It seemed like his movements were inviting me to look.

“I get to see who’s interested enough to follow me to my room.”

I gulped. I had followed him. I didn’t think I was following his cock. But here I was standing opposite him, watching his massive dick grow in his shorts.

“So,” Moss opened his legs a little more, “did we say a B for a BJ?”

My eyes darted up to his. When we had said that I thought he was referring to the chick he was trying to set me, or us, up with. But now he was clearly referring to himself. His eyes looked down my body to my crotch where my dick was now straining at my jeans. Moss looked back up at me and smiled. My mind was racing. Did he want me to give him a blow job and tutor him? Or was he saying that he’d suck me off as payment for my assistance with the essay?

Moss’s dick twitched again and all of those questions flew from my mind. I stepped forward and lowered myself to my knees in front of him. He responded by lifting his ass from the mattress and sliding his shorts down his legs. The thick piece of meat flung up as his waistband released. It slapped against his abs before dropping down again. It stuck straight out, pointing towards me over a set of smooth, heavy balls.

A low moan escaped my lips before any words could form.

“I thought you’d like it,” Moss said.

I watched a drop of precum form on his slit and without thinking I leant forward to lick it up. While it had been months since I had had sex with a woman, it had been years since I had last experienced any dick. After I thought I had grown out of the awkward fumblings of my early teen experimenting, it wasn’t until I had started college that the curiosity had returned. That curiosity had rapidly grown to unaccepted bisexuality. But now, with Moss’s hard dick right in front of me, there was little else I could do but acknowledge that I needed that meat in my mouth.

I shuffled forward a little more. Moss leant back and relaxed into the bed. He moaned as I took the head of his dick into my mouth and began swirling my tongue around the ridge. I savoured the taste of his precum and the feeling of his manhood between my lips. I ran my tongue along the underside of his shaft as I slid another inch into my mouth. I moaned as his dick twitched and I felt his body shudder.

Sliding a little more of his cock into my mouth I felt my jaw begin to stretch. This was uncharted territory for me, not only as my first real steps to accepting my sexuality, but the sheer size of what I was taking into my mouth. I worked his shaft as best as I could, moaning and feeling my cock twitch as it opened my mouth further.

“Shit bro. You’re not bad.”

I heard Moss speak but didn’t look up, my focus was solely on the feeling of his cock in my mouth. The warmth of it as it passed over my tongue. The taste of the precum that steadily leaked from his head. I took a moment to enjoy the sensations of having a cock in my mouth for the first time in years. The first real man’s cock. My first real blow job.

My tongue ran over the veins that ran along its length as I started to slide further down. Moss’s body shifted as I did and for a moment I felt his cock push at the back of my throat. I gagged slightly and my instinct was to pull off, but I quickly adjusted, knowing how much I hated girls that backed off on my dick. I froze for a moment and released my breath through my nose, forcing my throat to relax and accept his entrance. As his head nestled in the tightness, Moss moaned again.

“Fuck. Steven. I’m kinda-“

I gulped, working my throat muscles and interrupting him. His words fell away and his body stiffened.

I had always thought of sucking cock as a submissive position, but as Moss’s words were replaced by a gasp and a shudder, I realised I had him under my control. Now was my chance to have fun with this guy.

I flexed the muscles in my throat again, causing another moan. I held it tight for a moment and moaned in reply, knowing the vibrations would pass through Moss as I did so. His dick twitched in response. I gulped again before I slid slowly up, caressing my tongue over his ridge as I reached it.

“Dude – I – ” Moss gasped. I decided he had spoken enough today.

I dove back onto his cock, gripping it with my wet lips as I lowered. Moss’s body tensed and I began to speed up my movement, bobbing up and down on his dick. I opened my jaw, allowing his cock the space to penetrate my mouth. I kept my lips tight, sliding them up and down the shaft. My tongue flicked, hard and fast, around his shaft and over his swollen head.

Quickly and easily I fell into a rhythm. My mind worked through everything I enjoyed. Even my experience at receiving head was limited, but I knew what I liked. I moved my head up, working solely on Moss’s leaking head for a moment. His body relaxed. Not what I wanted. I needed him edged. I slid back down on his shaft and opened my throat again. His body instantly tensed and he grunted. That’s better. I held it there and worked my throat muscles around his knob. Moss thrust a little forward and I was unable to adjust. I gagged and choked slightly, forcing a glut of my saliva to fall down his shaft.

I wrapped my fingers around the base of Moss’s dick, around the couple of inches that remained between my lips and his smooth pubic area. They barely met around the circumference. I slid my lips back up his shaft and my fingers followed, using the spit that coated him to slide up and down. As I reached the ridge of his head Moss let out a deep low moan. I felt his legs stiffen and his balls rise up slightly. I realised this was it. This was the thing that would make this jock stud cum in my mouth.

He started to speak, trying to create words through his gasps but I kept up the pace. Now I bobbed up and down with my mouth, my tongue slid around his shaft and my fingers ran over his cock with each movement. Every time the head hit the back of my throat he gasped. Each time my fingers slid over the ridge of his head he moaned.

“Steven – I – ” I sensed Moss lift his head to talk to me.

I squeezed his cock in my hand and his words faltered yet again. His head dropped back on the bed.

Overcome by an even greater level of desire I increased my pace. I gagged again but kept going. Nothing else mattered in this moment other than this jock between my lips. I worked his entire length between my lips and my fingers. I squeezed the base at the lowest point and used my tongue to flick the leaking slit as I moved up.

Moss writhed on the bed, his body tensing. His legs stiffened. They shot straight out either side of me before his big thighs gripped around my ribcage. This was it. He was riding the edge now.

“I – fuck – I – can’t – ” Moss panted and grunted out his attempted warnings but I wasn’t slowing down.

I moaned on his dick in reply. Granting my permission.

That was all he needed.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck.” The elongated moan filled the room and the grip of Moss’s strong legs tightened around my body. I felt his cock throb in my mouth and in an instant it fired. I gagged a little as the first shot hit the back of my throat hard. I backed off slightly, swallowing quickly as he unloaded shot after shot into my waiting mouth. Moss’s body jerked with each pulse of his climax. He grunted as his orgasm surged through him. I remained in position, my lips sliding along his shaft, my hand gripped around the thick base.

As the last of his load dribbled from his still-pulsing dick I slowly slid my tongue up along the shaft. I squeezed my lips as I raised my mouth, milking the last of his seed from his massive member. I flicked my tongue along the underside of his head and one last shudder passed through his body before his legs finally relaxed. They released me and I released his cock. I fell back onto my haunches and flexed my jaw a few times, feeling how stretched it had been.

“Bro. You – ” Moss attempted to sit up but fell back. “I can’t believe you – “

“You asked for it.” I smiled. The power to completely deflate such a confident cocky guy was something I wasn’t expecting from this encounter. But it was something I quickly decided I enjoyed.

“I’m fucking glad I did.” Moss finally stood, leaving his shorts on the floor and his wilting cock hanging between his strong legs.

I saw one last drop of cum hanging from the slit and quickly leant forward to lap it up.

“So,” Moss was still catching his breath, “your turn?”

I smiled and stood up. As I reached to unbutton my jeans my phone buzzed. I pulled it from my pocket. My alarm was going off. It was time for my 3pm class.

“Shit,” I muttered.

“Is that the time?” Moss asked, seeing the warning on my screen.

“Yeah. So much for lasting 15 minutes eh?” I chuckled.

“You were so good man. I’m surprised I did last.” Moss’s cheeks reddened slightly.

I stood a little taller all of a sudden. I had made Moss blush. That was a confidence boost I could ride for a little while.

“I better go.” I moved to slide my phone back into my pocket.

Moss grabbed my wrist before I could. As he did so, his forearm pushed against the bulge in my jeans. Whether that move was intentional or not, I let out a moan in response. Moss pulled my arm up and took my phone.

“Text me when your class is done please. I owe you big time.” Moss slid my phone into my pocket, running a finger along my cock from inside.

“And we should do some study,” I replied.

“Yeah. That too.” Moss grinned.

I stepped past him towards the door. I heard him fall back on the bed as I reached for the doorknob. I turned around. The big dumb jock lay back on his messy bed. A pair of panties by his head but the sigh he released was because of me. The limp, spent cock that lay on his thigh was satisfied by me.

I walked through the door and out of the building with a smile on my face, proud of my efforts. I could get used to this gay college experience.

Thanks for reading this gay college erotica story.

If you liked this one check out Justin’s Dorm Jerking.

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